Friends Of The Show

I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with tons of amazing women on this podcast. Each of these women are friends of the show, and you’ll often see me supporting them and what they do on my social media profiles for The Ambitious Freelancer. Here are all the amazing women who lent their talents and expertise to The Ambitious Freelancer. Each of these women are the epitome of community over competition, and they do so much to help others succeed.

Note: Each image is linked to their episode of the podcast. Click the picture to be taken there. Their names are linked to their website, so click there to learn more about them and what they do online.

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Do You Want To Be A Guest On The Show?

I am always looking for new guests on my show, The Ambitious Freelancer. I’d love to connect with you to talk about your style of freelancing, tips for the larger freelancing community, offers you have to help the community, and anything else you want to share. Guests of the show get featured on The Ambitious Freelancer’s Instagram, on this page, and with their very own show notes page linking out to their website, offers, and social media pages.