The Three Traits Of A Successful Freelancer

Welcome to my podcast, The Ambitious Freelancer. I started The Ambitious Freelancer to help you grow in your freelancing business. I am a freelance writer for HR tech companies, and I run a fantastic group on Facebook called The Ambitious Freelancers Group. This podcast is an extension of the work that I do there.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about the three traits of a successful freelancer. Those traits are:


Freelancers should have a skill, or a willingness to learn about their craft. You can’t know it all, but if you aren’t willing to roll up your sleeves and gain knowledge in your industry, you won’t make it very far. For example, I have a degree in Sociology, but I am willing to do my research to learn about HR so I can write better content for my clients.

Don’t get caught up thinking you have to know everything before you start. Somethings can only be learned once you start. Instead of reading all the books, watching all the videos, and listening to all the lectures – put some work in.


You shouldn’t be a doormat for your clients, but you need to be flexible and meet them halfway. Yes, you are your own boss, but you can’t expect your clients to be the only people giving. Your freelance relationship is all about give and take. Are you taking more than you are giving?

You should also be flexible enough to do something if your client asks for it. For example, I mainly create blog posts for my clients, but I occasionally offer social media content too. It’s okay to get out of your comfort zone if your clients ask.

Related Reading: 5 Beliefs That Will Stop You From Making True Income As A Freelancer


With freelancing, you need to be your own advocate. You can’t wait on someone else to stand up for you and help you charge your worth. You need confidence to connect with clients and share your rate. You don’t need to be the most confident person in the room to make an impact as a freelancer, but you can’t cower in the corner. You need to be prepared to share your story, expertise, and your rate with confidence.