3 Tools I Use To Keep My Freelance Life Organized

Organization is essential, especially when you start racking up clients. If you want to get things done on time, every time, you need to know what you need to do. Staying organized is sometimes easier said than done. Today, I’m going to walk you through three things I use to stay organized.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about three tools I use to keep my freelance life organized.


When it comes to high-level planning, I love Asana. Asana helps me see the bigger picture and keep track of all the random assignments I have. There are a ton of tools you might like that are similar to Asana. Tools like Trello, AirTable, Google Calendar, and more can work well. I personally love Asana more than any of those tools. Asana has a paid version, but I would encourage you to stick with the free version. The paid version of Asana is costly, and most freelancers can work well with the free version.

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Google Drive

My entire freelance life is on Google Drive. If Google Drive ever goes down, my life is pretty much in shambles. I don’t use Microsoft Word, even though I am a freelance writer. So many companies use Google Drive every day anyway. If they don’t, I download my Google Drive docs as a Microsoft Word doc. Google Drive comes free whether you are using a free Google account or a G Suite one (I highly recommend G Suite.)

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To-Do Lists

For day-to-day planning, I usually use a good old fashioned to-do list or my planner The 90-Day Ambitious Freelance Planner. To-do lists are great because they can help me dump all my tasks out and check them off one-by-one. To-do lists are great to use in conjunction with a tool like Asana because it helps you understand everything that needs to be done, then pick the things you need to do right now.