Tips For Introverted And Extroverted Freelancers

We did it! We made it to 1,000+ downloads on The Ambitious freelancer. To celebrate, let’s do a podcast episode. Today we are going to talk about tips for introverted and extroverted freelancers. I am an ambivert with strong leanings toward introversion. I know so many introverted freelancers, so I wanted to share some tips for you. While I’m at it, I also wanted to share some great tips for extroverts too.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about tips for introverted and extroverted freelancers.

Pick Up Client Calls Simplified

Client calls don’t have to cause headaches. My journal Client Calls Simplified is here to take the guesswork out of client calls. With client call tips, places to write call notes, and even a space to write out your pre-call ritual—this journal helps you prepare for every client call. Client Calls Simplified is the perfect journal for anyone who wants to have a centralized location for all their client call information.

Tips For Introverts

Let’s begin by sharing some tips for introverted freelancers.

Find What Makes You Tick, So You Love Doing It

When I was in school, I would always talk in class. It wasn’t because I wasn’t introverted, it was because I loved school. I was obsessed with learning, and it showed in my participation. When I finished school, freelancing was that thing for me. I was always okay jumping on calls because it was a chance for me to connect and show my expertise. If you love what you do, taking calls and connecting with people will become easier.

Communicate Effectively Over The Computer

One way to reduce client calls is to communicate effectively over the computer. If you can’t communicate effectively over the web, you’ll likely get more requests for client calls. Make sure you communicate clearly, quickly, and efficiently. Otherwise, your clients will probably ask you to jump on a call to get to the bottom of things quicker.

Create A Pre-Call Experience To Make Calls As Fun As Possible

My pre-call experience or ritual is so crucial for me. I need to take a few moments to myself before each call. Right now, my pre-call experience involves a ton of dancing to Megan Thee Stallion. It works for me. Do what works for you. There is space in Client Calls Simplified to list out your pre-call ritual.

Calls can be fun. The truth is people like people, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Phone calls build the know, like, and trust factor. It can get you better assignments and make you more money.

Use Your Thoughtfulness To Your Advantage

When I was in college, I was a tour guide. Yet another thing that you probably didn’t think an introvert could do. What I found was that my introversion was an asset. I made other introverts feel better on tours, and I could tone down other extroverts on the tour. It made the entire process so much easier for the guests I showed my alma mater to. Your thoughtfulness is an asset. Introversion can be an asset.

Tips For Extroverts

Now let’s move into tips for extroverted freelancers.

Tone It Down

You are likely on 100 at all times. That’s cool if you are talking with another extrovert who can match your enthusiasm, but it can be daunting for extroverts. Dial it back a little bit and meet your introverted friends halfway. You don’t need to get on our level, but tone your extroversion down a bit so we can connect with you.

Are You Letting Other People Get A Word In Edgewise?

When you talk with an introverted client, are you taking over the conversation? Are they not talking because they are letting you speak, or is it because they are afraid to talk? You need to let the conversation mellow, so that the introverts on the call or the ones in front of you can speak up.

Client Calls Should Be 50/50*

*Plus/minus 10%.

If you are doing 90% of the talking, the client call isn’t going well. Client calls are all about back and forth. The client has questions for you, and you have questions for the client. There will be a time when you are doing the majority of the talking, but you should also let them speak about their goals, vision, experience, et cetera.

Read The Room

Give yourself the grace and time to read the room. When you get on a phone call or go to an event, take some time to get your stuff in order. Instead of jumping into the conversation at 100, give the people in the room with you some time to decide where they are. Fit into the mold of that room, but let your extroverted tendencies come out a little bit. For example, if the room is at 50, you can be at 70 and still stand out.