What I Look For In Freelance Clients

Sometimes, you need to sit down and think about what you want from freelance clients. If you don’t know what you stand for, you’ll fall for anything. Get clear about the kinds of clients you want to tackle going forward.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about what I look for in freelance clients.

What I Look For In Freelance Clients

After working with a ton of clients, I’ve come up with a list of things I want in my future collaborations.


I don’t need someone to hold my hand, but if I have a question, I want it answered promptly. We all get lost in our inbox, but I appreciate it when clients give me the same courtesy I give them. Overall, I want clients who don’t need a bunch of follow-ups about things like invoices and questions I have.

Make Enough Money To Pay Me A Decent Rate

I am not doing this for free. My clients need to make enough money, so when I ask for $200 to write a post, no one balks at me.

Let’s Me Work At My Own Pace

I need clients to respect my time. I love delighting my clients and getting them work ASAP, but I am not a machine. I have so much stuff to do with my podcast, lifestyle blog, and clients. I need to be able to set reasonable deadlines instead of rushed ones.

Clients Who Work With Awesome Clients/Do Amazing Things

If my clients do amazing things, I’m helping to change the world. I want clients who work with awesome people and do a ton for their community. Your clients reflect on you, especially as you grow and create deeper connections to them.

Has An Actual Business Model (Not Just Ads)

I’ve mentioned Episode #158 of the High-Income Business Writer podcast a lot. In this episode, Ed Gandia states that six-figure writers go after clients who solve expensive problems. For me, this translated to I needed to go after clients with an actual business model. I am not here to focus on clients who make money from ads or affiliate links. I want to connect with clients who sell their own products and have startup funds.

Allows Me To Use My Name On Content

I love building my portfolio when I can. This isn’t a non-negotiable, but it’s nice to have. I love it when I can put my name on content, but as long as I’m paid fairly, I don’t mind ghostwriting. I have a pretty big portfolio at this point, so I don’t have to have new clips.

Related Listening: Getting Out Of Ghostwriter Mode And Getting Bylines As A Freelance Writer

Needs Consistent Content Work

I want consistency from my clients too. That consistency might come in the form of needing one blog post every month, as long as the work is somewhat consistent. I want to build more clients I can depend on every month.

Willing To Do The Work To Support The Content I Produce

I can write the best content ever, but it doesn’t matter if my clients don’t support it. I want clients who will love my content, share it, and try to get it to as many people as possible. I never want to feel like I’m cheating a client because they aren’t using my content correctly.