How To Set Deadlines For Freelance Work

Deadlines are important, but how do you know much time to give yourself? Today’s podcast will touch on setting realistic deadlines for freelance work and what to do if you can’t make a deadline.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about setting deadlines for freelance work.

Related Listening: Content Creation And Moonlighting Tips With Leighann Blackwood

Clients Don’t Want Your Right Away Work

I’ve seen so many freelancers get into situations where their work is due right away. Clients don’t necessarily want your right away work, whether you are a freelance writer, graphic designer, or anything else. I don’t know where this misconception that all clients want is fast and easy work, but many clients are okay waiting for quality work.

I Try To Give Myself At Least A Week

When I set deadlines, I try to give myself at least a week. A week gives me time to research, write, and procrastinate a little.

It Doesn’t Take Me A Week To Write An Article

Let’s get one thing straight. It doesn’t take me a week to write an article. The actual article writing process takes place over a couple of hours.

Buffer time is the best time. I took a course with Abbi Perets of Successful Freelance Mom, and she instilled in us the importance of taking your time with deadlines. She stressed the importance of being real with yourself and adding in time for the unpredictable. What if you said you could get an article within a day, but then your internet goes out? I give myself time to write articles, so if I get sick, can’t write, or don’t feel like writing, I have time to deliver great content to my clients.

Make Sure You’re Giving Frequent Updates To Your Clients

Another lesson Abbi Perets taught is all about creating that experience. Don’t drop off the face of the earth for a week; give your clients updates every couple of days leading up to the delivery of the project. Especially if you took a deposit for the project or you are working on a big project, provide updates that help your clients keep up with you.

Other Freelancers Are Allowed To Be Booked And Busy, Why Can’t You?

I know freelancers who are currently booking projects for new months and years. You don’t have to set every deadline for tomorrow. You can be booked and busy instead.

What To Do If You Can’t Meet A Deadline

  • As soon as you know you can’t make a deadline, let your clients know.

  • Be honest about where you are in the process, and why you’re stalled.

  • Give them the exact rundown on what you are going to do to get it to them ASAP.

  • Ask for something specific.

    • Don’t say, “I can’t get this to you today.” Say, “I can’t get it to you today. I will get it to you by noon two days from now.”

  • After you get the extension, be honest with yourself. What delayed the project? Was it procrastination, too much research, etc.? If you work with this client again, your honest assessment will help you create better deadlines in the future.

FreelancingAmanda CrossComment