How To Look And Feel Your Best Online Maria Swann

Looking and feeling your best when you work online is essential. As much as we’d love to think that we can wear whatever we want, our clothing makes a statement about us. I wanted to connect with someone like Maria to chat about how our clothes make us feel and what statement they make about who we are. The truth is, your clients have no idea who you are when they visit your website. The presence you show them is how they perceive you. I was excited to sit down and chat with Maria about how we can make the most of this first impression. If you’ve never thought about the impression you give off online, this podcast is for you!

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In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about how to look and feel your best online. Here are some of the topics we covered:

  • What style branding is and why it’s important for freelancers.

  • Tips for sharing your style throughout your freelance website.

  • The difference between personal and professional style.

  • Ideas for spring cleaning and organizing your closet.

  • Strategies for taking care of your clothes, so you can keep them for years.

We also talked about Maria’s service offerings and how she can help you look and feel your best online. I was excited to chat about the variety of services she offers, like her virtual styling and organizing program. If you want someone to help you understand and organize the clothes you have, Maria has fantastic content and programs to help you do just that.

About Maria Swann

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Maria Swann works with female career professionals and entrepreneurs who want to gain visibility, confidence, and authenticity through their style. She helps them maintain it every day of the week through her online content and programs.

Dabar Couture

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