My Thoughts On The Freelancer Feast Or Famine Cycle

Have you ever heard of the feast or famine cycle? This notion is rampant in the freelance community, and today I wanted to shed some light on the topic. Let’s talk about it!

My Thoughts On The Freelance Feast Or Famine Cycle.png

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about my thoughts on the freelancer feast or famine cycle.

What Is The Feast Or Famine Cycle?

The feast or famine cycle is this notion that there are cycles to the work we do as freelancers. Feast cycles are big and filled with wins, busyness, and a lot of work. These feast cycles are followed by famine cycles where the work is few and far between. This cycle is very rampant in not only freelancing but all online jobs.

When Things Are Going Good, Don’t Wait On The Famine Cycle

It’s so easy to wait for the other shoe to drop. If you think that the feast and famine cycle are intertwined, you won’t be able to truly enjoy your feast cycle. When things are good, pour your energy into how good things are

Remind yourself that you are doing fantastic and that more amazing is on the way.

How Can You Use The Feast Money To Sustain Famine Cycles?

Don’t let lifestyle inflation get the best of you. Use some of the money from your freelance feast cycles to sustain you during famine cycles. Save more money, so you don’t have to worry about those famine cycles as much.

You Can Lose A Client And Be Okay

It’s so vital that you realize losing one client isn’t the onset of a famine cycle. You’ve gained other clients in the past: how did you do that? Keep doing the things that got you clients until they don’t work anymore.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Losing a client or feeling like you are slipping into a famine cycle is a feeling worth leaning into. When I’ve lost clients or felt bad about the path I’m on, the worst thing I’ve done is try to cover it up. If you don’t deal with your feelings, they won’t go away. It’s important to lean into your feelings. Why are you feeling this way? What can you do to get back on track?