Handling Client Calls As An Introvert

Are you ready to take client calls, even as an introvert? I am an INFP. I’ve taken many tests, but I always go back to those four letters (have you taken the Myers-Briggs test?) I love my introversion, and I have learned to live with it. Today’s podcast will teach you that you can survive client calls as an introvert.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about handling client calls as an introvert.

You Don’t Need To Be Extroverted To Make Sales

There is a silent power in introversion that we should embrace. I’ve used my introversion to my advantage in tons of social situations. I was a tour guide in college, and I was able to thrive even though I was an introvert. As an introvert, you are a calm presence in any room. Your powers are the art of understanding and empathy for others. Use that in your freelance relationships.

Related Listening: Tips For Introverted And Extroverted Freelancers

Everyone Is Awkward On The Phone

Being on the phone in a sales situation isn’t easy. Everyone is a little awkward on the first call. Extroverts are just able to hide it better. It’s okay if you feel uncomfortable, know that your potential client/client likely feels the same way.

Tips For Handling Client Calls As An Introvert

  • Try to resolve things via email before a call.

  • Don’t think of a call as an interview.

  • Do your research before you hop on a call.

  • Create a before call ritual.

  • Take copious notes during your call.

  • Don’t settle on a rate on the phone if their needs blindside you.

  • Don’t be afraid to walk away.

  • Always follow up after the conversation if it goes well.

  • Hop on as many calls as you can (it gets better with time!)

Related Reading: My Foolproof Strategy For Taking Calls With Clients As An Introvert