How To AI-Proof Your Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting better, but is it something you should worry about? Today, let’s talk about Chase using Persado and how to AI-proof your business. If you are a freelance writer, you should be on the lookout for AI, but I’m going to share how to build a great business even with AI around.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about how to AI-proof your freelance business.

Chase Using Persado To Create Marketing Language

Recently Chase decided to partner up with Persado, and it put the entire freelancing world in a tailspin. Chase agreed to this after Persado’s AI outperformed humans in a marketing language trial.

According to Ad Age, “Chase says that ads created by Persado’s machine learning performed better than ads written by humans, with a higher percent of consumers clicking on them—more than twice as many in some cases.”

What exactly is marketing language? Don’t be alarmed! It’s not things like long-form blog content. It was merely headlines and simple Facebook ads. These one-liners were able to connect with some of Chase’s potential customers and make them want to check out their website.

AI Can Be As Creative As What You Put Into It

I think we have to be careful about how much weight we put into AI. AI doesn’t have human emotions, so they wouldn’t care about the prestige of working with Chase. AI can’t be reprimanded, so they don’t care if you don’t like the ad copy created. AI also can sort through a ton of information quickly and glean stuff from it.

How To AI-Proof Your Business

Now let’s talk about how to AI-proof your business.

AI Can Pull Information Faster And Better Than Humans

It’s essential to work with AI instead of fighting it. Artificial intelligence can help humans write better content if you look into it. For example, AI is great at compiling research and sharing that information. You can use that to your advantage as a freelancer.

AI Will Take Over Some Small Creative Jobs

Chances are more large companies will follow what Chase did with Persado. Now, this won’t happen overnight, but big companies will invest in AI. If you are a writer, some small tasks like the ones listed below are more likely to be given to AI.

  • Facebook Ad Copy

  • Headlines

  • Article Outlines

  • Transcription

  • Product Descriptions

AI Doesn’t Create, It Just Spins

I am not worried about AI when it comes to most creative jobs, because all it does it spin. It’s hard to create art when you can’t truly create. For example, in most AI art I’ve seen, it’s just taking styles from a bunch of other artists. It’s original in that it’s a combination of things, but it’s not genuinely unique.

To Compete With AI, Create Complex Services

If you want to compete with AI, you need to create complex services that AI can’t keep up with. For example, here are some ideas for writers:

  • Long-Form content

  • White Papers

  • Thought Leadership

  • Interviews

Keep Up With AI

AI is changing all the time, and we need to keep up with it. So, keep up with news stories about AI and learn about new advancements in technology.

Businesses Want A Better Return On Investment

Here’s the bottom line, businesses want a better return on their investment. Companies will go to the place that nets them the best ROI, and that might be AI. You should study AI to see how you can compete with it. AI isn’t just taking over manual jobs. It can also do some creative work too.