Announcing The Ambitious Freelancer Website And What's On The Horizon

The Ambitious Freelancer has grown so much since I started the podcast in June. Today I wanted to make a few special announcements for y’all. Are you ready for what’s on the horizon for my podcast?

Announcing The Ambitious Freelancer And What's On The Horizon.jpg

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about what I’m doing on The Ambitious Freelancer.

The Ambitious Freelancer Website Is Launched!

If you are reading this, you know that I have officially launched a website for The Ambitious Freelancer. This is such a cool feat. When I first started this podcast, I didn’t have a place for it. I used The Happy Arkansan, and while I love that website, these are two separate brands. The Ambitious Freelancer needed it’s own space, especially as it grew.

I’m Creating A Journal!

I am also creating a journal. I am currently taking Sarah’s course Publish With Purpose. I am in the beginning stages of creating a daily journal that I know freelancers will love.

Update: The journal is now live! Go check it out: The 90-Day Ambitious Freelancer Planner.

FreelancingAmanda CrossComment