Client Call Pet Peeves

Client calls are a necessary part of the freelance experience, but they can be annoying. Determining your pet peeves will allow you to correct client behavior, understand great behavior, and run away from clients who aren’t a great fit. You’ll likely determine your pet peeves with time and a lot of calls with clients.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about client calls pet peeves.

Related: Client Calls Simplified

Here Are My Client Call Pet Peeves

Of all the pet peeves I’ve discovered over my years of freelancing, these are the most pronounced client call pet peeves I’ve determined.

  • Calls that could have or should have been emails.

  • Cancelling last minute or not showing up.

  • Not researching me or my freelance experience.

  • Trying to pick my brain.

  • Talking at me or not letting me get a word in edgewise.

  • Taking too much of my time.

I’d love to know: What are your client call pet peeves?