How To Find The Best Companies For You In Your Niche

It’s not enough to create a niche. Niches are incredible but think about the different types of people or companies that can make up a niche. You shouldn’t take every job or pitch every company. Instead, you should be specific so you can work with companies who truly get you. This takes time. You may need to work with some crappy clients to understand what you want. Let’s dive deeper into this conversation today.

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In today’s episode, we’ll be chatting about how to find the best companies for you in your niche.

You Can’t Speak To Everyone

We can’t serve or speak to everyone. We need to be clear on the type of clients we serve, even if we have a specific niche.

Questions To Ask When Deciding Which Companies To Pitch

Here are some questions to consider when deciding which companies to pitch.

  • Where is the company located?

  • What kind of products/software do they sell?

  • What do they talk like? What’s their personality or vibe?

  • Are they modern, or are they ancient?

  • Do the people look nice? Do they have an online presence that appeals to you?

How Do You Say No To A Company Who Connects With You?

Get clear on what your deal breakers are. In the front of my journal, Client Calls Simplified, I share some pages to get clear on your deal-breakers.

Freelancers need to get better at communication. When a client says or does something you don’t like, you can call them on it professionally. It’s essential to communicate with your clients before you become resentful.

Do your research. Dig deeper into the client before you say anything about working with them. Can you see yourself working with that company on a project or long-term?

Protect your peace. After you’ve decided not to work with them, protect your peace. You don’t need a drawn-out excuse, just say you are too busy to take on another client project right now.

Remember why you have these rules in the first place. You are doing something amazing for them by turning down the assignment. If you turn down the job, they are free to find the freelancer that works for them. If you take money to take money, you are stopping their ideal freelancer from finding them.

What Does Your Ideal Client Relationship Look Like?

Take your time today and write out what your ideal client relationship looks like. When you do this, you’ll be able to spend more time working with clients you love.

Check out my episode on “What I Look For In Freelance Clients” for more information on things to look for in clients.